Leadership & Management


Determine capability gaps to develop leaders.

How certain are you that your leadership team has the right mix of capabilities, experiences, and talent? What does it take for someone to thrive in a leadership role?

Is your leadership team on the right track, in sync with one another, and using leadership practices that inspire high performance and drive strategic results?

Assessments are the foundation of leadership, selection, succession, and development that fits your organization and its culture. Ncline matches your organization's needs from its leaders with the right assessment tools and surveys. We follow the strictest of confidentiality and storage rules and processes to protect your privacy.

We are certified in the industry's leading leadership assessment tools, so we have a deep understanding of what it takes to be an effective leader in any industry. We don't develop or distribute any assessment product, so you can be assured that we will recommend the best tools and surveys for your organization, many of whichcan be customized to your organization's needs, culture, and goals.

Avoid diagnose and adios! Rather than merely providing assessment feedback, we help you convert those reports into development plans and tangible results. Our support can continue with leadership and management coaching, team facilitation, and training.

Sample List of Leadership and Management Assessments

  • BarOn EQ-i 2.0 - Emotional Intelligence Quotient Center for Creative Leadership - Benchmarks
  • Benchmarks - Center for Creative Leadership
  • Executive Dimensions - Center for Creative Leadership
  • Executive View 360
  • Dealing with Tough Negotiators
  • EIDI - Emotional Intelligence in Diversity & Inclusion
  • ESCI - Emotional and Social Competency Inventory
  • FIRO-B - Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Observable Behaviors
  • Hogan Assessments - Executive Selection, Succession and Development
  • Leadership Styles and Climate
  • Influence Strategies
  • Manager View 360
  • MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • MSCEIT - Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test
  • Negotiation Style
  • NeuroView
  • NeuroTeamView
  • StressScan
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode

Team Facilitation

Align leaders to reinvigorate, innovate, strategize, streamline.

Enhancing company-wide performance begins with your leadership team - a group of personalities who bring their unique combination of experiences, values, styles, needs, and abilities to the mix. How well is this critical pool of talent working together?

  • Do team members agree and align with the organization's direction?
  • Are team members working together, or are politics and turf wars diluting the focus?
  • Does each team member trust each other?
  • How do team members disagree with each other... or do they?
  • How accountable are team members held to performance results?
  • Do employees trust the leadership team?
  • Does the leadership team inspire employee engagement?

Our facilitation brings your team together in-person or virtually to:

  • Clarify purpose, mission, vision, values
  • Analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
  • Scenario build possible futures and related strategies
  • Align team goals, roles, and styles through strategy clarification
  • Implement positive team processes, norms, and principles
  • Develop strong, productive relationships among team members

Training & Speaking

Build team capabilities and learning communities.

Ncline's practical training programs and public speaking topics empower and enable your leaders and managers to build trust, promote resilience, encourage engagement and drive critical business outcomes. Options include:

  • Online or on-site delivery
  • Training or speaking options
  • Custom or existing content

View our Training Programs to discover ways to develop your leadership and management teams' skills, knowledge and behaviors.


Ready to get started?

Our Services — Your Solutions. Delivered Online Or On-site.